Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I Never Thought That I'd Get Hit By This Lovebug Again

If you're a Jonas Brothers fan, like me, then you would know that line (in the title) is from their song Lovebug (which is on their new CD). Today, I made my mom take me to Target to get the new Jonas Brothers CD. No, I am not some Disney Channel loving, bratty little kid like most of their fan base. I love their music because the lyrics make sense to me and I have stuck with them since their first single, Mandy. Unlike their other "fans" who found them off of Disney Channel. I really hate when people call themselves "JoBro Haters" because they think JB is gay and a guy band version of Miley Cyrus- who I in fact do not like.

Okay, well after running to the CD section with a friend to get their new CD, I immediately said to go to the makeup section. I love Target and I love that it is evolving greatly in their brands that they're selling. I found Keihl's there today! Not much was there but it will grow. A very close friend of mine is in love with the Keihl's line. I actually do love one of their products. It's their Lip Balm in Original. I love that the whole line is against testing on animals and the balm has SPF included. Also, the price won't put a hole in your pocket as it prices for $6.50 ea. Today, I didn't see the Lip Balm at Target, but Keihl's is available at Macy's and Nordies, so go and get one for yourself! I promise, you won't be dissatisfied.

Oh, and before I leave, remember to pop into your local K-Mart, Walmart, Target, or any other store that sells CDs to purchase your own Jonas Brothers CD. Most of the songs on the CD are really good to listen to. And the CD Tray (where the CD goes) and the cardboard that holds everything together is made from 100% recycled Plastic/Paper with at least 35% post consumer material! The Jonas Brothers are not only trying to change music, but are trying to save the world at the same time!
